In 2000, World leaders met at the Millennium Summit, to the discuss the role of the UN at the beginning of the 21° century. This resulted in the UN Millennium Declaration, setting a total of 8 development goals to be achieved by 2015.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aimed at eradicating extreme poverty through the achiviement of a set of 21 targets. The goals touched upon various development issues, from achieving universal primary education for all, to ensauring environmentalt sustainability. Although the Millennium Development Goals achieved a number of positive results, especially in relation to MDG 1 and specific targets set within MDG7, namenely access to water resourcs and improved sanitation, much of what was planned was still left to be fully achieved by the end of 2015.
By then, the agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, had already been definided, based on a number of lessons learnt from the implementation of the MDGs as well as an emerging focus on sustainability and the need of development to address alla people.
Introduction of the 17 SDGs
Try to guess some of the Sustainable Development Goals here: