Shout Hub

The HUB connecting Social Sciences and Humanities with Sustainable Innovations in Industry and 3rd Sector Settings


The SHOUT consortium made up of 12 partners across the EU launches sustainable platform to close gaps between SSH and the sustainability sector. Learn, Act and Connect NOW


  • Connecting SSH skills & talent with project leaders in sustainable innovation projects related to the UN SDGs.
  • Closing the skill and communication gap between the SSH fields and industry through continuing education for all related stakeholders.
  • Enabling collaboration through access to all members, fostering bonds across all stakeholder groups (HEI, SSH students, teachers, professionals, NGOs, and SMEs.


At the SHOUT Hub, the UN SDGs stand front and center. All its initiatives are based on boosting the success of the SDGs and making a lasting positive change. Learn, Act and Connect based on your favourite SDG flavour.

At the SHOUT Hub, the UN SDGs stand front and center. All its initiatives are based on boosting the success of the SDGs and making a lasting positive change. Learn, Act and Connect based on your favourite SDG flavour.


Case Studies, Testimonials, Events, Resources and more.

BNW: SDGs Praxisnah Umsetzen
Best practices example from Germany.
Terra Maronesa
Best Practices Example from Portugal.
TALETE : Talenti e Territori
Best practices example from Italy.